Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Taxi drivers could lose their job with Councils new rules

A row of white and black taxis lined up next to a bus stop under tall buildings and a grey sky,
By Antonia Fairburn
Leeds City Council have passed a new rule which affects taxi drivers across Leeds.
Drivers are in an uproar following new rules brought out, which could see taxi drivers being left unemployed.

Leeds City Council approved a new rule during a Council Executive Board meeting on Wednesday 21st September.

The rule says that taxi drivers who reach 9 points after committing minor motoring offences could lose their license following a Leeds City Council report.

Two white taxis next to a light brown pavement with a male walking past.
By Antonia Fairburn The new rule could see drivers lose their source of income.

The council report states that drivers who reach 7 plus points may have to go for training courses to improve their road safety, or recieve a warning that they may be close to losing their licence.

The report also says those with an existing 9 points could have their taxi licence revoked.

Ghirlandaio M Sadiq is a licensed taxi driver and he said: “it’s not fair, police sometimes give points for small mistakes.”

Sadiq expressed that everyone makes small mistakes and it wouldn’t be fair for somebody to lose their licence over this.

Many have been confused as to why this decision has been made.

Councillor Debra Coupar said the reasoning behind this is: “stationary guidance from the government” and that Leeds isn’t the first area to impose this rule.

Leeds City Council believe that these changes will allow for safer passengers across Leeds.

Feelings were mixed amongst members of the public, many understanding why, while others questioned why it wasn’t the same for everyone.

One member of the public said: “it should be the same for everybody shouldn’t it, if it’s twelve, it’s twelve.”

Leeds City Council believe this will not affect the vast majority of taxi drivers in Leeds. Saying over 80% of taxi drivers in Leeds don’t have any points on their licence. With the new rule only affecting 1.5% of current drivers.
