Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Leeds community come together to make climate action plans

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Leeds City Museum is hosting an interactive event lead by Climate Action Leeds today.

With the current effects of the cost-of-living crisis looming on us all, it is important for communities to know where to go to find out how to go about making changes that will improve the overall climate as well as the way they live.

Climate Action Leeds is a five-year lottery funded project that aims to create a “zero carbon, nature friendly, socially just” Leeds by 2030. The organisation believes that climate action should be community led and therefore aims to bring the people from various demographics together with events like From Vision to Action, to make this goal become a reality.

Entrance to the event
Kiera Wilcox The event is just up the stairs from the entrance of the museum – you can’t miss it!

Energy partner of the organisation, Rowan, says that it is “really important” to come together to talk about the energy condition as it is “something that affects all our lives”.

“We’re all living in an energy crisis right now. We’re all experiencing having to make hard decisions about what we can and can’t do based on the cost-of-living crisis. All these things are connected to the climate breaking down.”

Team member, Andy Goldring, says that the main idea of the event is to “find a way to bring a different vision of the city together”.

“We have different groups of people here coming together to explore what that vision is, what action is happening towards that already, what actions need to be taken in the future and then how can we work together to make that happen.”

Sign up sheet and leaflets at stall
Kiera Wilcox Get involved – All stalls have leaflets and sign up sheets to get more information

He encourages members of the public to get involved in any way they can, whether that’s through making practical changes to their home, garden and transport, or getting more involved in environmental groups in their local area.

The event is running at the Leeds City Museum from 10.00am to 4.30pm featuring talks from various speakers, stalls and interactive sessions to get involved in.
