Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Beckett Boxing is Booming!

Photo by Arisa Chattasa
Leeds Beckett Boxing sees record numbers in attendance this year.

Whether you’re a fairly experienced fighter who has trained prior to University or a complete novice to the sport, Leeds Beckett Boxing club is suitable to all skill levels and offers the chance for new boxers to learn their trade or just improve their fitness whilst at the same time organizing opportunities for more experienced boxers to compete with other gyms/ university’s and really test themselves at Amateur level.

The club train at Leeds Beckett’s Headingley Campus in the sports arena. They train Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8pm-10pm and these are available to all students. There is also a Wednesday session 12pm-1pm however this is a fighters only session with the hour dedicated to sparring only. All sessions are at a high intensity and the coaches really push the fighters to the limits in training.

Beckett Boxing has a new head coach this year Will Beckett who was part of the coaching team last year. When asked about the engagement in the training sessions this year Will had this to say…

“I think its been really good, I think its been healthily increasing ever since I joined the team. I think that’s due to the success we’ve had in fights, the first session this year was the biggest session we’ve had.”

He also had this to say about why students should join the club…

“It teaches more than you’d expect, first thing is respect y’know, inside the ring there’s a kind of unspoken bond between opponents regardless of differences. You’ve both put in hard work and dedication so it teaches you to respect your opponents, embrace fair play and honor that spirit of sportsmanship.” and also that “Boxing helps with discipline very much… the training will push you to your limits which will improve your physical and your mental strength, and start instilling discipline into all parts of your life.”
