Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Uni Boob Club : breast cancer awareness in Leeds.

The Uni Boob Club : a University Of Leeds society raising money for breast cancer.

The month of October is dedicated to breast cancer awareness.

The end goal is to educate more people on the disease, to promote regular screenings for women and men across the globe and to raise funds towards ongoing research and supporting those who suffer from breast cancer.

1 in 7 women in the UK will develop breast cancer in their lifetime, along side 370 men who are diagnosed per year.

You haven't added a credit to your images yet! A poster in Primark showing how to check for signs breast cancer.

The University of Leeds run a society in support of the cause, named “Uni Boob Club”, where they work in cohesion with the “CoppaFeel!” charity to spread awareness through various fundraisers.

Felicity Haslin, the social secretary of the society, explained that ” 71% of young women who are aware of CoppaFeel! are more likely to check their boobs on a monthly basis ,”

“The UniBoob team focuses on raising this awareness amongst students in particular – giving them knowledge during their formative years that they will carry with them all their lives.”

Numerous shops across Leeds are taking part in spreading awareness this month by selling limited edition pink products, where all proceeds go towards supporting charities.

Big brand names such as Primark have released pink themed products to raise money and to encourage women to speak out and to check their breasts regularly.

The store manager of Primark in Trinity shopping center, Leeds stated that “After each purchase customers are given the option to donate £1 to the Breast Cancer Now charity,”

“Throughout the month of October we sell a wider variety of post surgery sets, that have been co-designed by women who have undergone breast cancer related procedures,”

You haven't added a credit to your images yet! A display outside Primark in the Trinity Center, Leeds.

You can show your support this month by : wearing a pink ribbon pin , raise money or donate to charities who support the cause, encouraging friends and family to get screenings and remember “Pink together, Stronger forever.”

Make a donation | Breast Cancer UK
