Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Newsday 3 Reflection –

Newsday Task 3 -

My penultimate news day focused on a friend of mine who has recently joined Leo’s rugby club, he gave his story on what started his love for rugby, his highs, his lows, and his future aspirations of being a rugby player. I chose this week to do an audio-based Newsday. He explained to me he started at the age of 6 back in his hometown of Solihull, Birmingham, he played for several years until he broke his collarbone at the age of 12, he continued to tell me that this left him unsure if he would continue. Obviously with an injury as severe as a broken collarbone at a young age it is going to leave you wary of continuing. He triumphed through this however with help from his coaches and family members, until only recently he stopped playing for the club. When arriving at Beckett he told me he needed to keep up his fitness whilst mostly focusing on his studies, with his other housemate already playing for Leodiensian it seemed a no brainer. Easy access to games and not an insanely high level left him with in a brilliant position to be able to join the club. With my final news day next week video based I look forward to completing this sector of the course. 
