Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Fancy oriental restaurant open in Leeds

Blue Pavilion
Blue Pavilion
The Blue Pavilion is a brand new oriental restaurant that opened on Monday the 30th of October 2023. The menu consists of grilled salmon, pecking duck, grilled Chilean sea bass and more delightful foods from the East Asian culture.

The restaurant consists of luxurious furniture to compliment the East Asian cuisine and fine dining. With a wide range of foods and drinks to choose from, The Blue Pavilion can be a perfect meal out with family or friends.

3 private dining rooms are available including the Jade room, Amber area and Ruby area. The Jade room can hold up to 11 guests with full table service for you and your friends. Attached to the Jade room is a private karaoke suite so you can enjoy and have a relaxed evening in private.

The Amber room is a private intimate dining space equipped to seat 8 people. The difference between The VIP Jade room and the Amber area is you can only choose one of the 4 set menus available. The last of the three private rooms in the Ruby area. This particular room is tailored for up to 6 to 10 guests embedded in a cozy atmosphere.

Matthew Caines

The Blue Pavilion has many drinks available for any occasion including, Red Wine, White wine, Rose Wine, Sparkling champagne and ports. All these drinks compliment the food served to give you a relaxed evening.

Matthew Caines

The interior is filled with decorations that are pleasing on the eye. Holograms on the wall to give the room a real life feel, blossoms covering the furniture and the luxurious marble bar spanning across the room. The towering wine cabinets dotted around the room give the restaurant a feeling of grandness.

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You can find The Blue Pavilion alongside the Merrion center surrounded by the famous Leeds nightclub Pryzm and The Merchant pub.
