Communication in Uncertain Times: Navigating the New Normal

The need for stakeholders’ engagement in unpredictable situations

a group of colorful dicePhoto by Bastian Riccardi

Maintaining effective organisational communication during a crisis

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has seen tremendous changes. Businesses, organisations, and individuals alike have had to adjust to a new normal characterised by uncertainty, fear, and anxiety.

In such times, effective communication is more important than ever before. But how can we communicate in an empathetic and engaging manner while adhering to our values and mission?

These were the questions explored and addressed in a recent webinar I attended on Communication in Uncertain Times, and the insights shared were genuinely eye-opening.

My experience was quite illuminating, offering me valuable insights into the industry’s most recent trends and best practices.

At the start of my course, Public Relations and Strategic Communication at the prestigious Leeds Beckett University, as advised by our tutors, I signed up for EUPRERA and PRCA notifications to keep abreast of industry events and trends.

Ding, Boop, my phone beeped, and there was a notification from EUPRERA about a webinar to be hosted on the subject matter.

As I began pondering the topic, I asked myself, what are uncertain times? What do I need to do if I find myself in a state of uncertainty?

As I have always pictured myself in the PR industry, it got me thinking about how I would always react to crises in my organisation as an aspiring PR professional.

With enthusiasm, I signed up for the event, willing to learn from the wealth of experience of the speakers.

As a participant, I was amazed by the depth and passion of the speakers, who shared their years of experience and expertise.

Chiara Valentini, a leading public relations and strategic communication expert, moderated the discussion, featuring several academics who contributed to the new EUPRERA book on how organisations deal with risks, issues, and crises.

During the webinar, the most pressing issues facing organisations and businesses today and the most effective strategies and best practices for communication were discussed.

Through this webinar, I got an intense preview of some of the innovative insights related to how organisational communication has changed after the pandemic, employee engagement during critical situations, the role of the CEO in crises and stakeholder perceptions, and government communications during times of crisis.

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers
Photo by Campaign Creators

It explored organisations’ tactics, challenges, and best practices to maintain effective communication and connections with their stakeholders in uncertain situations.

One of the most powerful insights from the discussion was the significance of innovation in determining communication in uncertain times.

In this regard, the whole debate about PR and its relation with communication in uncertain times was held regarding digital transformation’s influence on communication methods.

This and how organisations may utilise data and analytics to shape their strategy were discussed. My conviction in the efficacy of innovation and the significance of maintaining a flexible mindset in the modern world was strengthened.

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Photo by Choong Deng Xit to your images yet!

Another key theme that emerged from the conversation was the role of narrative in communication in uncertain times. The speakers emphasised that stories can fascinate viewers and generate emotional relationships.

I realised the significance of developing captivating storylines that resonate with the audience.

This event also motivated me to learn about leadership skills in PR, emphasising that effective communication with audiences improves an organisation’s leadership abilities.

In addition, The speakers stressed the importance of continuously monitoring and adjusting communication tactics. This offered me fresh insights and points of view on strategic communication.

In conclusion, as we continue to navigate the new normal, effective communication will be much more crucial than before.

By staying true to our values, listening to our stakeholders, and communicating with empathy and authenticity, we can build trust, resilience, and strength in the face of adversity.

If you would like to listen, click here, communication in uncertain times