Embracing the unfamiliar: CIPR members meet

About how I escaped from my comfort bubbles..

Leeds Beckett University, City CampusPhoto by Hui Qing Khor

At the end of February 2024, I have gotten hold of the news that one of my lecturers, Teela Clayton, at Leeds Beckett University, will be organising a members meeting event with the Chartered Institute of Public Relations member on 14 March 2024.

At first thought, I was so excited, but I was also really anxious about it. I have attended a few networking events previously, but they were different as I had my friends attending as well at that time.

Understanding my very introverted personality, I was hesitating if I should register for the event.

With a few days of contemplation, I decided to give it a go. Because why not?

In the blink of an eye, the very day came. It was not a freezing day, hence I had my fur hoodie on.

As soon as I stepped into the venue, I have realized that it was a huge mistake as I did not look as ‘professional’ as other members.

I kept a mental note to myself that I should not do that again in future events. There was a buzz of excitement in the environment, yet I was still nervous.

At 6 sharp in the evening, everyone got into their seats and the event began with Teela’s introduction.

Following that, the guest speakers, too, introduced themselves and their professions. It took approximately half an hour, and then the ‘real’ networking started.

Introduction session from the guest speakers.
Photo by Hui Qing Khor Introduction sessions from the guest speakers.

All members were out of their seats, walking around and conversing with each other.

I was still really nervous, but thankfully my classmate, Sue Jean and Soundarya brought me around to connect with other members.

It did not take long for me to get into the mood and open up.

Soon I was, too, conversing and having talks with the guests and other peers from university.

We started with Gary Taylor, a professional who works in the council in transport.

Listening to his advice on public relations in the political sector, I had to admit that it was complete new to me as I have never approached this sector before.

Up until now, I have kept in mind on his advice that we should step away from discussions about sensitive political issues especially in this industry.

Next was Rebecca Benn, where Sue Jean and I talked to her about her experiences in both the defensive department and the NHS.

It was interesting to hear what she has done and I was super amazed by her. I admitted to her that I am really interested in communications in the healthcare sector as well, but I had zero experience in the field.

Rebecca encouraged me to give it a try, and that I do not need previous experiences because, “the opportunity itself is an experience”.

A photo of Sue Jean, Rebecca Benn and myself.
Photo by Hui Qing Khor Sue Jean (Right), Rebecca Benn (Middle) and myself, Hui Qing (Left).

I was also approached by a few of the undergraduates students as well. We exchanged our thoughts and experiences, which was really fascinating, honestly.

As the meeting event drew to a close, I have realized that it was not only me who was anxious at first.

The meeting venue at the end of the networking event.
Photo by Hui Qing Khor End of the networking event.

There was an obvious change in the atmosphere from when we first started making connections in the room.

I have learned so much from everyone and I was really grateful for, first, being able to participate in such inspiring event, and second, being able to convince myself to escape my comfort bubbles.

While writing about the networking experience, it reflected onto myself that networking is not really a skill.

Instead, it is the key to huge accomplishment in the future.

Hence, another mental note to myself; look out for any future networking event and have fun!