Event Management in PR: The Complex Journey of an entrepreneur.

In event management and public relations, being an entrepreneur involves constantly navigating a challenging terrain of possibilities and obstacles. This post examines Kosta Petrov’s journey from Macedonia and how he become a successful worldwide entrepreneur.

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on tablePhoto by Andrew Neel

According to (Gedeon, 2010) entrepreneurship is a multifaceted concept that involves owning and running a small business while constantly innovating. It is a journey full of complex ups and downs, success and failures that constantly pose a challenge for those in the fluid and constantly changing fields of event management and public relations, these fluctuations are not just possible but expected. Today, we delve into the life and career of Mr. Kosta Petrov a founder whose experiences span across continents, industries, and roles.

A photo of Mr. Kosta Petrov
Photo from P World website Mr. Kosta Petrov

From Dreams to Reality: The American Influence

The founder’s early aspirations to live the “American dream” led him to study in the U.S a move that introduced and exposed him to a culture of possibility and motivation unlike any he’d experienced in his native Macedonia. While financial limitations prevented him from pursuing higher education in the U.S., the shift to studying politics in Prague was a decision inspired by interest rather than passion. However, this choice inadvertently equipped him with crucial skills in communication and logical thinking. Essential tools needed for any public relations professional.

Professional Growth Amidst Economic Turbulence

Mr. Kosta entered the industry and soon got hired for a job in Dubai, where he quickly rose in rank and pay. Dubai at the time was a choice destination for professionals who were driven and full of optimism. He reflected on how the financial crisis of 2008 served as a reality check of how unstable the world’s markets can be. He had to return to Macedonia as a result of the quick and disastrous effect it had on his career. Although this decision was seen as a personal defeat, it cleared the path for a very amazing business venture.  

Leap of Faith: Turning Setbacks into Opportunities

He channelled his experiences and insights into launching his own event management company. His firm not only navigated but thrived by adapting to new markets and seizing opportunities within different environments. His exploits brought about several international brands and knowledge to emerging markets, reflecting a keen ability to leverage cultural and market differences to his advantage.

Lessons Learned: Resilience, Networking, and Cultural Sensitivity

According to him, there were several themes that emerged as central to his success:

  • Resilience: The journey highlights the essential nature of resilience. Economic downturns and personal setbacks were met with a desired commitment to move forward and innovate no matter the setbacks.
  • Strategic Networking: His story is a testament to the immense power of building and nurturing relationships or networks. These connections proved crucial in navigating international markets and overcoming logistical and cultural barriers.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Successfully expanding into other markets as diverse as Iran and North America that required an acute sensitivity to cultural norms and practices a theory expressed by (Lutz, 2017) in her thesis “Cultural Sensitivity: Importance, Competencies, and Public Relations Implications”. Understanding and respecting these differences was key to his successful business strategy.
Screenshot taken during the event on Teams with Kosta Petrov and students who attended.
Screenshot taken by Sue Jean Chen A picture of Kosta Petrov and students who attended the event on Teams.

Embracing Change and Facing Challenges Head-On

His capacity to welcome change and turn obstacles into opportunities is an inspiration for many business executives. His journey exemplifies and shows how perceived failures can serve as catalysts for growth and innovation, particularly in industries as demanding, everchanging, and unpredictable as event management and PR.

Concluding Thoughts

This examination of Mr. Kosta’s career gives more than just a story of the highs and lows in his personal and professional life, it also provides an insightful revelation into the general nature of entrepreneurship in the international event management and public relations industries. His narrative serves as a guide and a timely reminder to anyone looking to become an entrepreneur or a business professional highlighting the importance of tenacity, foresight, and flexibility are needed to be successful.


Gedeon, S., 2010. What is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial practice review, 1(3), pp. 16-35.

Lutz, S., 2017. Cultural Sensitivity: Importance, Competencies, and Public Relations Implications.