Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Are we really deleting our social media accounts?

I asked the people of Leeds for their thoughts on the matter.

by Charlotte Turner

Facebooks rebrand has caused uproar today as many users believe its an attempt to cover up past wrong doing.

Twitter users were outraged by the announcement of the rebranding of Facebook as they believe the company is attempting to distract from past scandals.

The biggest being the alleged spreading of misinformation regarding the US presidential election and more recently climate change.

Users are calling people to #delete all Facebook associated platforms including WhatsApp and Instagram. The hashtag is currently trending on Twitter.

The clothing brand Patagonia stopped all paid advertising on Facebook platforms as of june 2020 and for 16 months have upheld this boycott. Following the release of internal Facebook documents Patagonia accuse Facebook of being aware of “the irreparable damage their lack of accountability causes” and “the corrosive effect that has on society”.
