Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Safety campaign pushed under the radar

The Ask for Angela scheme is widely advertised in the media so that the public can be aware that they are safe when they go out

The ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme is not so newly introduced but its also not very well known. The basic concept of this scheme is to make people feel safe knowing that they have an option to go to the bar and discreetly ask for help when they’re out on blind dates and feel unsafe in any situation they might find themselves in.

This has been introduced to many venues such as clubs, bars and restaurants in which the customers can ask members of staff for Angela discreetly. Posters outlining this are often clearly displayed throughout these venues in toilets and behind the bar.

Alistair Stevens, bartender, stated that “We’ve been told if anybody comes to the bar or even just ask specifically for Andrea we know just straight away that its an emergency”.

However ‘Ask Angela’ is not as well known as most may have thought. When the public was asked what ask Angela was at least half replied saying that they have not heard of it.

This shows that despite venues best efforts its still going unrecognised when its something that can help everybody.

The scheme is being heavily endorsed by the Leeds City Council and other major groups to help spread awareness of the cause so that the public do know that they do have this option.

Venues throughout Leeds have been well versed in the scheme so that they can be prepared so that they can deal with a potential scenario like this in the correct way.

Ask Angela was started in 2016 so why is it now becoming more well known in the public eye when it’s gone unrecognised for so long? This training has always been provided but now that more cases of spiking are being reported it’s being more heavily enforced and shared.
