Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Leeds council plans to tackle climate change

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The council has asked for members of the public to read The Local Plan Update consultation and feed back with ideas to help the city to reduce carbon emissions.

Leeds City Council has now released The Local Plan Update consultation with the main focus being to change the planning policy that will lead to carbon reduction throughout the city.

Leeds Now spoke to Councillor David Blackburn and he said: “I was talking about how much it would cost to build a new atomic station and on the figures they’ve got now it would cost £26 billion on it” he went on to say “if you took that type of money and invested it in insulating our homes properly, it would produce enough energy saving which is equivalent to building six power stations.” Blackburn carried on by saying “that will attack fuel poverty and also it will mean that these houses that have been here 100 years, will be here for another 100 years because pulling buildings down and building new ones uses carbon.”

When asked about the future drop-in sessions where the public can share their thoughts the Councillor said “we’re going to ask people to take part in both food and planning consultation, and put their views forward, whether they are pro or anti -this is democracy. Through the process of going through documentation hopefully, it’ll help them see the need to change.” Blackburn went on to say “while there’s a realisation of past mistakes -we’re not actually understanding the mistakes we might be making now.”

The UK government has committed to reducing emissions by 100% of 1990 levels by 2050 and limiting the global temperature from rising. Studies have shown that it is economically possible for Leeds to become a carbon-neutral city and for this to be achieved a combination of parties, including the public, must all play a part to make it possible.

For more information and to have your say see the council’s website
