Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Leeds to follow Manchester’s ‘revolutionary’ bus scheme.

Leeds City Bus
Leeds' public transport system may be overhauled pending the results of a council meeting. This comes after inspiration from Greater Manchester's new council owned bus service.

Greater Manchester council have announced plans today to overhaul the current bus system.

Due to privatisation, bus services across the North of England have not been public since the 1980s.

Greater Manchester plans to regain control of these services and place them in the hands of the council.

The Bee Network is set to roll out this upcoming Sunday by Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham.

Later this week West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin will discuss her plans to follow in Greater Manchester’s footsteps.

The plans will provide a cheaper and more reliable service to the West Yorkshire area, as the many bus systems of the region are not competing with each other, they would be run by the same council.

Many Leeds residents are happy with these plans stating that the current service is “dreadful.”

One bus passenger even claimed that “any service would be better than what we’ve got at the moment.”

Another added “my son might be persuaded to come into Leeds on a bus instead of a car if it was cheaper.”

a couple of green double decker buses driving down a street
Umair D

Lack of competition would ensure a fairer and regulated system, and could improve Leeds’ public transport services indefinitely.
