Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Batley Bulldogs in the community

The Batley Bulldogs are doing their bit for the community.

Batley Bulldogs are known for being a hard-hitting team but it’s their community that is making the most impact.

Batley currently play in the championship which is the 2nd division in England for rugby leauge.

The community put on several activities throughout the week that include men and women only gym sessions. Which is especially important to a mainly Muslim community.

They also do a lot with men’s mental health including walks around the town just so men can talk.

The Bulldogs also do a lot with schools around the area which is extremely important as in the end it will get more people trying to follow the sport of rugby league.

They do multiple projects throughout the season as well as having a couple of projects throughout the offseason. These are all really important to both the community and the club to put on these projects and activities to hit different parts of their big community.
