Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Islamophobia Awareness Month in Leeds

Islamophobia is a global issue and a rising one, too. Of the over 60,000 Muslims in Leeds, nearly 75% have faced anti Muslim hate first hand.

Islamophobia Awareness Month began in 2012 and supports Muslims in battling the discrimination they face, often, on a daily basis. The month holds particular importance in Leeds, as the recent consensus suggested that 10% of residents are Muslim.

This year’s theme is #MuslimStories. It’s a theme that champions the main goals of the cause; to express lived experiences and shine a light on the struggles faced by both individuals and organisations attached to the Muslim faith.

Leeds has 12 Mosques and areas such as Kirklees, Harehills and Dewsbury are amongst the most densely populated Muslim areas in the UK. Therefore, having a month dedicated to communication and building relationships between different communities is of the utmost importance.

There are already degrees available at the University of Leeds based on Islamic studies with passionate and well-read lecturers teaching them, but throughout the month, extra seminars, which welcome all those who are interested, are put on. As well as lectures, there are also movie screenings and art exhibitions to attend.

By pushing these activities throughout the month, the council hopes to reduce the number of hate crimes in the city and encourage better treatment of people from all faiths living in the area.

Jegan Jatta, a Muslim student, spoke about the need to have a month on Islamophobia awareness, “it helps people understand the discrimination and prejudice that we as Muslims go through.

“It also brings communities together because we can relate to each other’s struggles.”

On the topic of what he hopes will come of the month’s annual focus, he said, “I hope people become more open-minded and accepting towards people of a different faith. I hope it reduces the number of times we get judged by our peers because of what we believe in”
