Data Newsday 1,2 & 3

Combined, the data Newsday’s were definitely a new experience.

woman writing on notebookPhoto by J. Kelly Brito

The first Newsday presented me with challenging differences to the digital Newsday as I felt rushed to get the all of the work done based out of habit from the previous Newsday this term. When in fact, this type of Newsday allowed me to work at a much slower pace which generally was needed in order to make sure all of the data I was putting into the spreadsheet was accurate.

I did struggle initially because of my absence in the workshop learning how to use excel due to sickness, but once I had caught up on the workshop tasks I managed to be able to process the data more efficiently and it definitely calmed me down ready for the next data Newsday.

I also made social media posts on the day:

We has Rai as the team leader and she was really efficient and on track of what everyone was doing and what else needed to be done so this made the day run smoother for myself and I’m hoping everyone else.

At the end of the day we had a team meeting to let each other know where we all was and what we aimed to do the next week – we worked together incredibly well and managed to process the data sheets in a faster pace.

For the second data Newsday we started of with a meeting to refresh our memories and set tasks to be completed for the end of the day.

for my task, I was to finish processing data, have it checked and then start uploading it into graphs and visual aids.

I used a website called Flourish to produce a bar chart and I uploaded photo of this to my twitter:

I worked with Bethan and Antonia on crime and anti-social behaviour in Leeds and on this Newsday, we started to look into different stories we could do by acknowledging trend in data that we had processed.

The rest of the day was just polishing up any remaining unfinished work such as graphs and technicalities such as sourcing our work and finishing any spreadsheet work before the end of the day meeting where we discussed what storied everyone was thinking of doing for the third and final data Newsday.

This data Newsday wasn’t as difficult as the first one, but, we did have a lot more work to do. We did manage to get everything done and also prepare ourselves for the next Newsday where we have to write our story and find some supporting contacts.

The last data Newsday was where myself, Bethan and Antonia pooled our knowledge from the data we gathered and trends from the graph we made and wrote a final article to show our findings. We decided to do a story on trends surrounding anti-social behaviour crimes.

On the day I posted photos of us working on the story on twitter:

We used our graphs and our own images to feature in the article and correctly attributed credible sources throughout. We also interviews residents of Leeds-East to get a more insightful perspective as levels where highest in this area and got a few different quotes to use. we also used our own findings and data to support our work.

This data Newsday was a lot more organised and less stressful for me personally as I was working with two other people and I felt constantly re-assured of the next steps in our story because we had the extra experience and data from previous Newsday’s to help us. As well as this we had check-ups from rai updating us on deadlines and anything else that was important to know.

Ultimately, this Newsday ended the term of perfectly as we worked together amazingly as a big team and the end product what we published was the most professional piece of work that I had published this term and i was beyond proud and happy with the resulting work.