Kindness Leads to Connection: Meet Kosta Petrov

The online webinar with Kosta Petrov highlights his professional achievements in the PR industry that make him an entrepreneurial leader.

Kosta Petrov, Rudiger Thielmann, Surya Jothi, myself and other PR students.Screenshot by Conrad Johnson-Omodiagbe
Kosta Petrov, Rudiger Thielmann, Surya Jothi, myself and other PR students who attended the virtual session.

Kosta Petrov is an entrepreneur, activist, and some say he feels like family. From writing books to starting his own global business P World Kosta has connected with celebrities, government officials, and royalty in his 17 years of industry experience putting kindness at the forefront of everything he does.

In a 45 minute Webinar spent with Kosta, he shares his successes and failures that make him an inspiration and magnificent leader within the PR industry.

Where His Story Begins

Kosta, like many, had big dreams, precisely the “American dream”. At a young age, Kosta moved from Macedonia to Seattle to attend school. This experience was eye-opening as he realized his life had so much potential. Ultimately, financial barriers kept him from university in the U.S., so he graduated with a political degree in Prague. Shortly after, Kosta was living the dream of working in Dubai, making more money than he would have imagined. Although everything in his life seemed to be aligning, it quickly took a hit when his company went bankrupt, forcing him to move back home. 

Kosta describes this time in his life as depressing, feeling like a failure because of his career malfunction. Yet, he had the control to change his situation.

I would dream of achieving something and then focus on something new. “

(Petrov, 2024)
Inspirational Quote by Kosta Petrov

This is exactly what he did. Kosta started his own company by holding PR, HR, marketing, and customer service-related events, using the business model of “bringing global knowledge to emerging markets.” His passion drives him.

When you start your own business, and you’re passionate, you have a certainty that things will work out.”

(Petrov, 2024)
Inspirational Quote by Kosta Petrov

He didn’t see failure as an option, so in 2016, when he lost business in some of his significant markets, he took on work in North America and continued his journey to success. 

Inspirational quote about success and failure.
Photo by the blowup

Defeating Cultural Barriers

Kosta understands the value of creating a global brand that allows the spread of information among cultures. He has yet to let cultural differences discourage him and typically doesn’t analyze risks before holding events in new countries.

He recognizes that “it’s important the world is international.” Kosta’s hard work and determination have contributed significantly to positive entrepreneurial outcomes.

Kindness Leads to Connection

His ability to network is the secret to his success. Yet, seeking LinkedIn connections has never been his main goal.

Inspirational Quote by Kosta Petrov

Kosta is very likable in that he didn’t strategically build a network of influential individuals; instead, he was just friendly to people.

By showing vulnerability and treating others as equals, connections naturally formed. The countless genuine interactions he’s had over time with individuals led him to where he is today. He sees value in every success, whether big or small and encourages others to do the same. 

The lesson from Kosta

Being kind and communicating truth can go a long way toward building an authentic network of incredible people.

Kosta boldly talks about his own failures, but he doesn’t let them define him. While his career certainly hasn’t been linear, the people he has met along the way have played a big part in his success.

Through making authentic connections, he has built trust with a vast network of people who have supported him in every country to which he brings his entrepreneurial spirit. 

group of people gathering
Photo by HIVAN ARVIZU @soyhivan