Real Journalism by Leeds Hacks

Digital newsdays week 2 reflection

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The week 2 Workshop for Digital Newsdays was honestly my favorite workshop of the week. The task was great and I found it very fun as the focus was surrounded around football which is my favored sport. The task was to interview people regarding what football team they support, Why they support that team and any bonus questions. We then had to upload a recording of this interview, Audio and also write up an article styled piece about the interview. I found this significant and fascinating as I recall doing a similar task in year 1 where we needed to interview each other whilst learning the importance of recording video and catching good audio. I thought the placement of this workshop was perfect as it allowed me to build off writing articles and adding relevant context in articles which is what i was doing when talking about the disability championships in week 1. The interview process wasn’t challenging at all as I was able to find a student in the library eager to take part in the interview. Even though he supported United, I liked the quality of the interview as although short and snappy, Provided me with the information i needed to complete the task, Put the audio on Soundcloud and upload the video to Youtube.
