Digital Newsday reflection – week 3

Digital Newsday reflection – week 3

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This week, my story was about a food bank that had seen a major increase in people needing to use it since the cost of living crisis.

I went down to the charity and filmed lots of clips to put together a video to go with my article.

I chose this topic as the cost of living crisis is something that is affecting everyone at the minute and I took this angle, as it showed the pressures that charities are facing with food prices going up.

I interviewed the Food Hub Coordinator and also the translator and had some good in-depth quotes from them to use in both my article and video.

I really liked the video I put together as it had a mix of both interview clips and also clips of people collecting their food parcels and the volunteers packing them up. However, there was a lot of background noise in one of the interview clips which ruined the sound and you couldn’t really hear what the lady was saying. Therefore, if I were to do a video again, I would either wait for the background noise to stop or do a trial clip first to ensure the background noise isn’t too overpowering.